
過去5年 一年固定發行一張 音樂家之珍貴檔案紀錄寫實, Christopher Nupen Film 2007年之杜普蕾-天賦異秉的獨特人生(Jacqueline du Pre - A Celebration of Her Unique and Enduring Gift)【1DVD】。在樂天市場的小閔的古典音樂世界有最棒的商品,是您省錢的最佳選擇。

Christopher Nupen Film 2007年之杜普蕾-天賦異秉的獨特人生(Jacqueline du Pre - A Celebration of Her Unique and Enduring Gift)【1DVD】



Christopher Nupen Film (A07CND)814446010031(1DVD)
2007年之杜普蕾-天賦異秉的獨特人生(Jacqueline du Pre - A Celebration of Her Unique and Enduring Gift)【1DVD】

Christopher Nupen Film (A07CND)814446010031(1DVD)
2007年之杜普蕾-天賦異秉的獨特人生(Jacqueline du Pre - A Celebration of Her Unique and Enduring Gift)【1DVD】

including two Christopher Nupen films –
"Who was Jacqueline du Pré?"
"Remembering Jacqueline du Pré"

Special Features:
- a never seen before interview between Christopher Nupen and Jacqueline du Pré, shot on 13 December 1980
- a 12 minute montage of images of du Pré and Barenboim from the Allegro Films archives.

Picture Format: NTSC 16:9 and 4:3
Sound Format: Dolby Digital Stereo / Mono
Subtitles: German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian
Running Time: 205 mins
Region Code: 0 (All Regions)
No. of DVDs: 1

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Christopher Nupen Film 2007年之杜普蕾-天賦異秉的獨特人生(Jacqueline du Pre - A Celebration of Her Unique and Enduring Gift)【1DVD】

出自:線上購物分享 - Christopher Nupen Film 2007年之杜普蕾-天賦異秉的獨特人生(Jacqueline du Pre - A Celebration of Her Unique and Enduring Gift)【1DVD】

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